Sharice Davids tweeted the following:
"In Congress, Ive been fighting to end the dominance of big money in politics and put the power back where it belongs: with the people. Im proud to have received an A on the @stopbigmoney scorecard."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Sharice Davids:
"I started my day speaking with Kansas veterans as they visit the war memorials built in their honor.As the daughter of a veteran, its a moving reminder of the sacrifice these Kansans made for our country.Thank you for your service!"Read on Twitter
"@JerryMoran @RogerMarshallMD @RepLaTurner Read more here:" on May 9Read on Twitter
"Today, along with @JerryMoran, @RogerMarshallMD, and @RepLaTurner, I announced federal funds to conserve & restore more than 7,301 acres of wetland in KS.This will help protect our states habitats while also supporting local economies & outdoor recreational opportunities!" on May 9Read on Twitter